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Product Details

Product Ref: ERGO-ROLL

Price: €POA

Price Includes VAT at 23%

Product Information

Rolling along nicely !

The Ergo-roll is one of the new DQN products in the Ergo range. As its name suggests this range is intended to make your workspace comfortable and efficient. The Ergo-roll plays a transitional and buffer role between one task and the next.

The legs, individually adjustable in height, make it possible to level the table irrespective of the ground’s unevenness. They also allow the rolltable to be tilted in such a manner as to effortlessly move the wheels from one place to another.

Its modular design makes it possible to mount several tables in a line without any limit.

The rollers, made up of high-quality synthetic material, allow the most delicate rims to even roll on their flange without damage. These rollers are mounted on all-steel ball bearings. Dustproof, they will continue to roll for a long time.